Emily Brent

The 5th Victim:
Emily Brent in the 1987 Russian version

1945 version -Emily Brent's Death

She is an elderly spinster with harsh morals. Brent is also a religious woman who carries her Bible around everyday and reads at least one verse each night(the verses always have to do with something that is bound to happen next-foreshadowing technique).

Accused of:
During the accusations, she's accused of having led a young woman named Beatrice Taylor to end her own life. Although at first she refuses to discuss it she later confides in Claythorne. Telling her that Taylor was her ex-maid who she fired for having getting pregnant out of wedlock. Taylor having been rejected by her parents for the very same reason committed suicide by drowning herself in a river. She also reveals that she feels absolutely no remorse for firing a "whore." 

Death by:
After their accusations are revealed, Brent refuses to talk about it but later on confides in Claythorne shortly before her death. She is later found dead by the others in the kitchen rigidly and unmoving having been stabbed by one of Dr.Armstrong's hypodermic syringes that contained potassium cyanide(same thing that killed Marston).

"Six little Soldier Boys playing with a hive;
A bumblebee stung one and then there were five."  

Wargrave's Confession:
Wargrave's letter reveals that he put chloral hydrate into Emily Brent's coffee to sedate her and as a result he was easily able to insert the hypodermic syringe into her neck (hence the "BEE STING"). He also let in a bee into the kitchen to stay as close as possible to his little riddle.